Breaking News

Thought I would share with you a recent e-mail from Steve Thorngate of Christian Century:

Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 4:39:33 PM
Subject: Re: Applying to join CCBlogs


Forgive my slow response. I've gotten pretty behind on these.

Yes, your blog looks like a good fit with the community. The first step is for you to embed our logo at or near the top of your menu--high enough that it’s visible without scrolling down. Here’s the code:

Let me know when that is done and we'll get you plugged into our feed system and write you back with more information.

All best,

Steve Thorngate

Needless to say, I'm kind of excited about this. They haven't put me in their RSS feed yet, but evidently it is coming. I look forward to this allowing me to meet new readers!